  1.  38
    "Monas Dominans" like "Monas actuatrix". A Case of Unity in Plurality.Antonio Maria Nunziante - 2006 - In VIII. Internationaler Leibniz-Kongress, Einheit in der Vielheit, Hannover 24-29 July,. pp. pp. 729-736.
    What kind of relationship subsists between an "organism" and a "monas dominans"? In some texts, Leibniz claims that the soul "actuat" the organic body and in the late debate with Stahl he describes the "monas dominans" as a "monas actuatrix". But how does the monas "actualize" the organic body? And what is implied by Leibniz's use of the word "agere" to describe this? Is it also possibile to describe this event in terms of "whole/part" relationship? The aim of this paper (...)
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  2.  37
    " Singolarità" e" infinito". Appunti per una discussione tra Leibniz e Hegel.Antonio Maria Nunziante - 2005 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 34 (1-2):29-61.
    Aim of this paper is to reconsider the controversial problem of the relationship between the philosophy of Hegel and Leibniz. Beyond the tick courtain of historical references (which have been widely developed by scholars), it is in fact possible to assume some guideline concepts (i.e. those of "singularity" and "infinity") to reconstruct the deep theoretical influence which Leibniz played in Hegel's thought since the Jaener Systementwurf of 1804/1805.
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  3. VIII. Internationaler Leibniz-Kongress, Einheit in der Vielheit, Hannover 24-29 July,.Antonio Maria Nunziante (ed.) - 2006
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